
Thursday, April 3, 2008


Murdoch interest in Newsday
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 6 hours ago
NEWS CORP's chief executive, Rupert Murdoch, has spoken publicly for the first time about his interest in buying Newsday, saying that ownership of the Long ...
Sources: Murdoch, Newsday union discussed possible sale
Newsday, NY - 6 hours ago
This story was reported by DANIEL WAGNER, SUSAN HARRIGAN, MARK HARRINGTON and THOMAS MAIER It was written by WAGNER and MAIER. ...
Murdoch defends News Corp
The Georgetown Voice, DC - 11 hours ago
by John Cooke Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is just like the Jesuits, he told a mostly-full Gaston Hall yesterday, “except we don’t insist on vows of ...

Por Favor, pulse (haga clic) en el Titular arriba: Murdoch defends News Corp;

Y vera el Sr. Rupert Murdoch, propietario de una multitud de Periodicos, y Canales de Television, proclamar su empresa News Corp: ser como los Jesuitas.....


