"La mayor necesidad del mundo es la de hombres que no se vendan ni se compren; hombres que sean sinceros y honrados en lo más íntimo de sus almas; hombres que no teman dar al pecado el nombre que le corresponde; hombres cuya conciencia sea tan leal al deber como la brújula al polo; hombres que se mantengan de parte de la justicia aunque se desplomen los cielos". Ellen G. White.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
(UPDATED) Univision and Hillary Clinton: A Timeline of Corrupt Collusion
(UPDATED) Univision and Hillary Clinton: A Timeline of Corrupt Collusion: Our last dive into the WikiLeaks trove yielded the proverbial smoking gun that confirmed our suspicion of collusion between Univision and the Clinton campaign. Below is an evolving timeline that confirms, beyond reasonable doubt, that Univision is inextricably joined with the Clinton campaign in corrupt purpose and deed.
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