
Sunday, February 10, 2008


For Those Visiting Who Do Not Speak English Here's A Bi-lingual Version:
Para los Hermanos Hispano-Parlantes:
Previous photo of general conference 1995:
(Foto de conferencia general [en Utrecht, Holanda] 1995)

"When the idolatrous standards of the Romans should be set up in the holy ground, which extended some furlongs outside the city walls, then the followers of Christ were to find safety in flight. When the warning sign should be seen, those who would escape must make no delay." Great Controversy, Page26.

("Tan pronto como los estandartes del ejercito romano idolatra fuesen clavados en suelo sagrado, que se extendia varios estadios mas alla de los muros, los creyentes en Cristo debian huir a un lugar seguro." )
El Conflicto de Los Siglos, Pagina 29.)

(Papa Juan Pablo 2 saluda su amigo representante
de la conferencia general, Bert B. Beach.)

Signore Samuelle Bacchiocchi graduating from Gregorian Universitas (Jesuit) Rome
(Signore Samuelle Bacchiocchi graduandose de la Universidad Gregoriana [Jesuita] en Roma.)

Sligo SDA Church Pastoral Staff
(all are Pastors:5 Men & 3 Women)
Enjoying the great outdoors.
Cuerpo Pastoral de la Iglesia Sligo (en Mary-land, EU) ASD.
(todos son Pastores: 5 Caballeros & 3 Damas)
Need more tangible proof?
(Se necesitan mas pruebas tangibles?)

Want to get technical? Scientific even?
How about a litmus test?
Is it still 'true blue'?
(Habra que explicarlo con terminos teqnicos?
Tal vez una prueba de litmo?
Todavia le parece azul genuino? )

Don't wait for the memo!
(Por favor, no espere que le envien un memorandum!)
Dedicado a un Hermano/Hermana: neoliberal

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